Roul' ma Poule Annecy

4 rue des Marquisats 74960 Annecy
4 rue des Marquisats 74960 Annecy
Free with bike hire: helmet, repair kit, lock, basket.
Large selection in Annecy: over 250 top-quality bikes in mint condition!
Quality equipment (FR/EUR) from various brands: Arcade, Moustache, Trek, Electra, etc. (Bikes designed and modified specially for hire).
Located right in the town centre, on the banks of Lake Annecy (30 metres away) and at the start of the cycle path. The shop is situated between the Police Station and Annecy Town Hall. Car parks nearby.
Team of sports enthusiasts and outdoor sports enthusiasts, cycle technicians and state-certified cycling instructors.
Hire prices 2024: Adult bike from (8 €/ 1 hour), (13 €/ +1 to 2 hours), (18 €/ + 2 to 4 hours),
(22 €/+ 4 hours or full day).
Special rates for groups, seminars, town halls, works councils, associations, schools... (Please contact us).
We look forward to seeing you!
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