Dégustation Les essentiels

144 Chemin du Château 71960 Pierreclos
144 Chemin du Château 71960 Pierreclos
Tasting the essentials will allow you to move easily from theory to practice, whether you are a novice or a connoisseur. First, you will enter the inner courtyard to learn about the history of the château and its organically farmed vineyard. Then, you will take a seat in our tasting room, comfortably fitted out in one of the castle's towers. On the programme: an introduction to the art of wine tasting, with 2 white wines and 1 red wine from Château de Pierreclos, of different appellations. The colour, nose and taste of the wine will no longer hold any secrets for you.

Duration: 45 minutes. This experience can be combined with the youth experience, for 7-12 year olds.
Reservation recommended, maximum 15 people. Tasting reserved for adults.
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