Au bistrot du klockhuis

624 Route de la Place 59670 Hardifort
624 Route de la Place 59670 Hardifort
Snack bar - Marie - Aimée offers dishes prepared with local, seasonal produce! A grocery store is available for visitors.
For cyclists, the establishment has been awarded the accueil Vélo label (Accueil Vélo® is a national label guaranteeing a high-quality welcome and services along cycle routes for touring cyclists).
For convenient access, bikes and motorcycles can reach the bistro's terrace via the Wylder Straete, while motorists can park safely and are sure to find a space.
Groups welcome (flexible hours)

Open Monday Tuesday Sunday 11am - 6:30pm Friday Saturday 11am - 9pm For groups: bike reception, café rando or seminar We can open earlier if booked in advance
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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