La Maison du Parc

Nestled in the heart of the forest between Lac d'Orient and Lac du Temple, the Maison du Parc naturel régional de la Forêt d'Orient is a tourist information center.

This former farmhouse, built in the style of the Champagne region, now houses a documentation centre, a store selling local products, a permanent exhibition on the Park's landscapes and a temporary exhibition area.

The Maison du Parc site also features outdoor picnic areas to take full advantage of the forest setting, and is the starting point for 5 hiking trails:

- the King Oak Palace trail, accessible for disabled people (800m)
- the Valois Observatory trail (5km)
- the Grand Orient trail (7km)
- the Fontaine Colette trail (11km)
- gRP "Tour des lacs" (52km)

Activities and guided outings to discover the Park's natural and cultural heritage from different angles are also offered throughout the year.
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