Hôtel Logis Le Céans

1721 route des Princes d'Orange 05700 Sainte-Colombe
1721 route des Princes d'Orange 05700 Sainte-Colombe
Your holidays with take place in a family friendly atmosphere, as the Céans hotel's tradition is from father to son, this former farm hostel became a two star hotel, listed Logis.
This family friendly atmosphere will be perfect for a holiday for two, with family, or between friends.
Guaranteed to make everyone happy !
A room is accessible to people with reduced mobility.
The playroom can be turned into a meeting room off-season, no video projector.
The hotel is equipped with 2 sockets for vehicles Tesla and 1 socket for the other vehicles.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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