Meininger Hôtel Bordeaux Gare Saint-Jean

12 Rue du Commerce 33800 Bordeaux
12 Rue du Commerce 33800 Bordeaux
MEININGER hotel Bordeaux Gare Saint Jean is the ideal option for groups and individuals in Bordeaux, whether you're travelling with work, with a school, or planning to come enjoy this beautiful city with friends or family.

Located in the former red district, near the quays, the Saint Jean district is today a lively cultural centre, that is not short of bars, restaurants, bistros and clubs. The city's main transport hub, Saint Jean Train Station is a mere 5-minute walk away. The hotel is a stone's throw from La Méca, La Halle Boca and Quai de Paludate. Bordeaux city centre and the old town can be reached with a 15 minute walk or a short tram ride from the train station.
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