Maison Ravier

302 rue F.A Ravier 38510 Morestel
302 rue F.A Ravier 38510 Morestel
Since 1992, it has housed a permanent exhibition and regularly offers visitors the chance to discover other talented artists. Today, the house is dedicated to the memory of the painter François Auguste Ravier (1814-1895), leader of the 19th-century Lyonnaise school of landscape painting, who chose to spend the last 28 years of his life here (1867-1895).

The house, now owned by the town, is managed by the association Les Amis de la Maison Ravier (A.M.R.A.), which organises temporary exhibitions and preserves and displays a permanent collection of the artist's works.
The tour of the rooms devoted to Ravier provides a better understanding of the development of his concept of landscape, which heralded the Impressionist treatment of light. He followed in the footsteps of the great masters he admired, Turner and Delacroix, transcribing the infinite variations in the effects of light from dusk to dawn.

The Maison Ravier also presents oils and drawings by François Guiguet (1860-1937), a painter of intimate scenes and children's portraits in particular.

The ground floor of the Maison Ravier (permanent exhibition) is accessible to people with reduced mobility.
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