Ethic Etape - Centre International de Séjour

Chemin des Crueux 73480 Val-Cenis
Chemin des Crueux 73480 Val-Cenis
The CIS welcomes individuals, families and groups all year round in a superb natural setting, very close to the village of Val Cenis Lanslebourg.
In winter at the foot of the slopes, all year round on the southern edge of the Vanoise National Park, the CIS is a spacious structure, rooms with 2 to 4 beds, panoramic dining room, bar area, lounge, meeting room, entertainment, SPA, fitness area. Outdoor swimming pool in summer.
In winter: full board + ski lift pass + optional ski rental; in spring and summer: full board + optional multi-leisure activities.
In summer: heated swimming pool, guided hikes, VAE, barbecue, Nordic walking and yoga lessons, water gym...
Breakfasts and meals with organic and local products.
All approvals. Ecolabel since 2015.
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