Embarcadère Bardet Huttiers

Route de Chauvillon 79210 Arçais
Route de Chauvillon 79210 Arçais
From 2h to 8 days and more, we offer a wide range of bikes to discover the Marais Poitevin at your own pace.
We advise you on the itinerary and leave you a map for the walk. Discover a nice site, in the heart of the wet marsh and at the foot of the bike paths.
Possibility of delivery to your holiday place.
A wide range of bikes adapted to all uses: muscle bikes (mountain bikes, VTC, traditional bikes), electric bikes, children’s bikes, follow-me bikes, "follow-me", trailers and child seats, luggage trailers.

The bicycle rental of "La Bicyclette Verte" is recommended by Le Routard for more than 10 years!
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