Chez Patagiles

2 rue des Capucins 47430 Le Mas-d'Agenais
2 rue des Capucins 47430 Le Mas-d'Agenais
An ideal stopover on the Voie Verte along the Canal Latéral à la Garonne between Bordeaux and Toulouse, the Maison de Patagiles is in the heart of the village of Mas-d'Agenais, one of the oldest villages in Lot-et-Garonne. Occupied since Gallo-Roman times, the site has more than 2000 years of history (the Venus du Mas-d'Agenais, the collegiate church of Saint-Vincent with its Rembrandt, its wheat market and its flourishing market). A former 16th century post house, the Maison d'Hôtes Patagiles turns its back on the Canal, which it dominates from a series of green terraces that are very peaceful. Patricia and Giles offer you three very comfortable guest rooms.
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