2 Rue des Pyrénées 31290 Montgaillard-Lauragais
2 Rue des Pyrénées 31290 Montgaillard-Lauragais
Ground floor: stay where breakfast will be served, air conditioning. Sports hall with several equipment (bicycles, treadmills ...), independent toilets. Mamie room (1 bed 2 persons in 140 with its small bathroom of 1.64m ² and its independent toilet), room Jean-Marie (1 bed 2 persons in 140 with its small room of water 1.82m ² and its independent toilet, air-conditioning ), family room (1 bed 2 persons in 140 with an toilet, air-conditioning ), family room (1 bed 2 persons in 140 with an attic mezzanine with 1 bed 2 persons in 140 with its small room of water 2.20m ² and its independent toilet sanybroyeur). Wifi Internet access. No smoking rooms.
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