
390 Kermorgant 29410 Le Cloître-Saint-Thégonnec
390 Kermorgant 29410 Le Cloître-Saint-Thégonnec
This completely restored house is in a collection of buildings dating from the 18th century.

A typical environment that is particularly calm and pleasant. Lake and stream on lands of over 7 acres with groves to explore. On the edges of the GR coastal path.

Nearby you'll find the Wolf Museum, the Abbaye de Relec, Morlaix Bay and the Forest of Huelgoat.

Bedroom includes one double bed and one single bed, private bathroom and WC.

Car parking, garden, terrace, TV and fireplace.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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