Ô Doux Matins

24 rue de la Croix Marie 37500 Rivière
24 rue de la Croix Marie 37500 Rivière
You will have the chance to stay only 5 minutes from the city centre of Chinon, a historic city, and its Royal Fortress. In Rabelais' country, the art of good living is here what daily life generously offers: good food and good wine go hand in hand. Catherine and Eric offer you their table d'hôtes but only on weekends from 4 people (reservations recommended). Your vast room opens directly onto a private terrace, ideal for enjoying moments of relaxation, reading a book or a good drink. Breakfast can be served on your terrace if you wish (please specify on arrival). The property is bordered by the old Richelieu-Chinon railway line, which has been transformed into a greenway, perfect for enjoying the pleasures of the countryside.
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