Villa du Châtelet

17 rue de l'Aigle Villa du Châtelet 60750 Choisy-au-Bac
17 rue de l'Aigle Villa du Châtelet 60750 Choisy-au-Bac
The owner of the place welcomes you warmly, as friends, in this beautiful villa where you will find the atmosphere of the Belle Époque.

The villa is on the edge of the Laigue forest with a magnificent view of the Aisne valley and the Compiègne forest. Its park is peaceful, the rooms are spacious, comfortable and furnished as in the time of the first owner Léo Delibes (major composer of the 19th century).

Alix shares her recipes and cooking tips during the table d'hôtes dinners served in the dining room decorated with Delft tiles and lit by candlelight. (Wednesdays and Thursdays evenings according to availability)

Wake up to the song of the birds that inspired the duet of flowers in the opera Lakmé.
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