Camping à la ferme La Guyonnière

La Guyonnière LA POMMERAYE 49290 Mauges-sur-Loire
La Guyonnière LA POMMERAYE 49290 Mauges-sur-Loire
Located in a farm at the entrance of the village of La Pommeraye in Maine et Loire. This camping offers 27 spacious and shady camping-plots, eight cabins, mobile homes, camping and caravan cabins (with terrace, lounge garden and barbecue). For the enjoyment of old and young people ! Here are services of camping La Guyonnière : bike rental, access to the swimming pool, visit the animals farm, sale of local products, playground, inflatable castle themed the farm, etc. You will discover or rediscover the Guyonnière in 2015 - a Caravan 4 people for an original and relaxing stay in the country on the most spacious camping location with stunning views of Montjean sur Loire - sites dedicated to cyclists. A service area for camper vans. It offers two bivouac huts, ideal for hikers and cyclists.
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