Camping de Champ Passais

4 rue du Champ Passais 61700 Domfront en Poiraie
4 rue du Champ Passais 61700 Domfront en Poiraie
Campsite located near the Varenne, the sports complex and ten minutes walk from the shops and the medieval center. A green campground laid out in terraces cut out by spacious and flat pitches. Comfortable, family, friendly, peaceful, convivial such is the municipal camping of Champ Passais. In the relaxation area, a microwave, a refrigerator, a television and a wifi connection are available for free. 2 rentals are available for cyclists to sleep and store their bikes.
This campsite is a partner of Véloléger, a company that rents camping equipment kits along the Véloscénie and the Vélo Francette. You can book on . You can find in the kits : a 3 or 4 places tent, mattresses (with disposable covers), pillows (with disposable covers), a hand pump, a mallet, a stove and a gas bottle. You can contact VéloLéger on or by mail at the address : contact And feel free to follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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