Camping Domaine de la Ville Huchet

Route de la Passagère-Quelmer 35400 Saint-Malo
Route de la Passagère-Quelmer 35400 Saint-Malo
The Domaine de la Ville Huc lies on the outskirts of Saint-Malo in a 6-hectare park, the ideal holiday destination. In addition to O'Hara mobile homes and spacious shaded pitches, the site boasts a superb leisure pool complex, children's play area, bar, pizzeria etc. An outstanding venue!
This is a very quiet and clean campsite. Good facilities and a superb pool.
Staff areexcellent and the location is a dream. Have nothing negative to say at all. The staff speakvery good English and the spacing between accommodation are very good to ensure peace and privacy.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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