This quiet, equipped and secure campsite welcomes you in a green and friendly setting near the historical center of Neufchâteau. Labelled "Accueil Vélo" and located on the itinerary "EuroVelo 19 - La Meuse à Vélo", it is adapted to the reception of cyclotourists thanks to the renting of tepee tents, the provision of a room and a bicycle pump.
Services offered: bread and pastry delivery, coffee and tea, ice cream sales, store at the reception, free access to the swimming pool, restaurants and stores nearby.

And take advantage of your stay to discover one of the 100 Most Beautiful Detours of France and the 1st Patrimonial Site of the Vosges which abounds in artistic and architectural treasures such as the churches Saint-Nicolas and Saint-Christophe, the Renaissance staircase of the Hotel de Houdreville or the old theater Le Scala.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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