Auberge de Jeunesse HI Lille Stéphane Hessel

235 Boulevard Paul Painlevé 59160 Lille
235 Boulevard Paul Painlevé 59160 Lille
In a setting both mineral and green, Lille Youth Hostel has recently moved into a building with futuristic architecture - reminiscent of a heptahedron.
With views over an agora from its light-filled terraces, it is resolutely open to the world.

A model of modernity and eco-responsibility, the youth hostel complies with HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale) and BBC (Bâtiment Basse Consommation) standards - (optimizing energy consumption) and managing rainwater and grey water. As an eco-citizen, the Youth Hostel is committed to respecting future generations.

The youth hostel has 55 rooms (1, 3, 4 and 6 beds) spread over 4 floors, as well as a restaurant and a fully-equipped kitchen for individuals and families.
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