373 Avenue Victor Hugo 54200 Toul
373 Avenue Victor Hugo 54200 Toul
In the city center, a stone's throw from the train station, the Hotel de l'Europe is a quality 3-star address. The attractive, contemporary-style rooms have been completely renovated, and are bright and well-equipped.
Come and enjoy our new queen-size bedding!
The charm and conviviality of this house will make your stay in our region one of your best memories.

Free public parking nearby (Toul train station) or private pay parking at the hotel (garage - 15?).
Electricity recharging point close to the hotel.
Garage reserved for bicycles, with recharging access for electric bikes.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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