Hôtel Ibis Tours Sud

HOTEL IBIS TOURS SUD 10 Rue Michaël Faraday ZAC "La Vrillonnerie" - RN 10 37170 Chambray-lès-Tours
HOTEL IBIS TOURS SUD 10 Rue Michaël Faraday ZAC "La Vrillonnerie" - RN 10 37170 Chambray-lès-Tours
2* hotel, 79 bedrooms with en-suite, telephone and TV (TNT + European satellite channels), Iso 9001/14001 approved, non-smoking hotel - 100% air-conditioned, free Wi-Fi, meeting room (15 people). Direct access from the A10 - near the A28 - 8km from Tours town centre - near the Châteaux of the Loire.
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