Hôtel "La Sapinière"

1, rue de Sedan   08450 Remilly-Aillicourt
1, rue de Sedan   08450 Remilly-Aillicourt
The hotel restaurant La Sapinière, Logis 3 Cheminées et 3 Cocottes, invites you to take a journey through the French Ardennes. Whether you're looking for a gourmet journey, a relaxing stay or a voyage of discovery, our large family home, once a stagecoach stop, welcomes you to a pretty Ardennes village near the banks of the Meuse, just 6 km from Sedan, a Town of Art and History. Maryse and Jacques will make you enjoy the beautiful Ardennes seasons, with their smiles and gourmet delights! At your disposal: reading room, flower-filled terrace, bar, seminar and banquet rooms (20 to 160 people), private parking and free garages for motorcyclists.
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