Hôtel Villa Koegui Bayonne

7 rue Frédéric Bastiat 64100 Bayonne
7 rue Frédéric Bastiat 64100 Bayonne
Opened in June 2020, the hotel is located in the heart of Bayonne, between Nive and Adour. A true cultural hotel of the Basque Country, it is THE gateway to discover this unique territory
Its architecture and decoration, designed by the architect Jean-Philippe Nuel, pay tribute to the history and culture of Bayonne and the Basque Country. The 43 rooms and suites cover the 5 floors of the hotel. With a surface area ranging from 23 to 50m2, they are the symbol of an affirmed modernity. The restaurant Le Carré is a place of life in Bayonne, of sharing and restoration, where locals and travelers meet. Pintxo, tapas and gourmet cuisine await you. Chef Charles Cez works with fresh, local and seasonal products. Buffet breakfasts, bistronomic lunches, after work cocktails and wines from here and elsewhere, piano bar and animations...
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