Cocurès Route du Pont de Montvert 48400 Bédouès-Cocurès
Cocurès Route du Pont de Montvert 48400 Bédouès-Cocurès
Charming hotel, La Lozerette welcomes you for your stay. From this peaceful Cevennes village you can hike and discover the varied landscapes of the Cévennes National Park. It's up to you to choose between the calm and shady garden or the pretty lounge to relax. A cozy haven, a gourmet stop where the accent of the terroir is combined with a wide selection of regional wines. In the carefully decorated room, you will be able to appreciate a refined cuisine subtle blend of gastronomy and local flavors. The wine list elaborated by Pierrette Agulhon, Sommelier, gathers 300 references of wines. All have been carefully selected to best accompany the dishes offered.
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