Les Jardins d'Epicure

16 Grande Rue 95710 Bray-et-Lû
16 Grande Rue 95710 Bray-et-Lû
In the middle of his magnificent park raised by several hectares, you will discover this surprising domain compound of three buildings of character dating 1865: the Mansion Napoleon III, the Villa Florentine, the Forme

Steeped in history and of emotion, The Gardens of Epicurus welcome you all year long.

Discover our 20 rooms and consequences with Jacuzzi repartees in three categories: Classic, Premium, Continuation with Jacuzzi. Each of our rooms proposes a decoration unique and been looked after in the respect for the buildings of characters which shelter them. She will assure you peace and serenity during your romantic weekend with Jacuzzi in the Gardens of Epicurus.
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