Le colombier de Miermaux

Miermaux 28400 Trizay-Coutretot-Saint-Serge
Miermaux 28400 Trizay-Coutretot-Saint-Serge
If you are in search of a stay in unspoilt natural surroundings, rural heritage and a house with a history and genuine soul, then “Le Colombier de Miermaux” really is just the place for you! The charm begins the moment you arrive, as you follow the track through the greenery and over a little bridge leading you to the dovecote with its square tower. Then you enter the garden, open the door and the adventure begins. Breathe in the gentle scent of the organic paint, the wood, the terracotta tiles and even the fire burning in the stove. Look around you and savour the warm, simple style that puts you at ease, right away. The house is now yours for you to set out and explore.
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