11 rue Saint-Armand 62930 Wimereux
11 rue Saint-Armand 62930 Wimereux
We propose you a beautiful wimereusian villa, full of charm that can accommodate 10 people.
Ideally located, the beach at the end of the street, shops less than 150 meters away. Everything is done on foot, no need to take your car.

You will appreciate the beautiful volume of this villa, its fully equipped kitchen, its 5 bedrooms, its two large terraces and its exposure that will give you sun throughout the day.
The decoration is neat with a good quality equipment.
Others : private parking, equipped for small children, garden table, deckchairs, plancha..
Ideally located, the beach at the end of the street, shops within 150 meters. Everything is on foot, no need to take your car.
You will appreciate the beautiful volume of this villa, its two large terraces and its exposure which will give you sun throughout the day.

The decoration is neat with good quality equipment.
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