Cap Mauriana

5 Route de la Grange au Gui 39260 Moirans-en-Montagne
5 Route de la Grange au Gui 39260 Moirans-en-Montagne
Welcome to the Cap Mauriana accommodation centre! Our accommodation centre has 34 rooms for a total of 45 beds. The accommodation consists of single and double rooms. Each room has its own bathroom and a balcony with an uninterrupted view. The building is equipped with fibre. The surrounding area is above all a paradise for lovers of nature and outdoor activities: you can cross the via ferrata overlooking Lake Vouglans and admire its emerald colour. Summer and winter alike, there are plenty of activities on offer. Whether on horseback, hiking, mountain biking or skiing, the trails are well-marked and well-maintained. There are numerous sports facilities nearby, including a climbing wall, gymnasium, indoor bowling green, football pitches, tennis courts and riding school. Accommodation is available on an overnight, half-board or full-board basis. We have a catering service open 7/7 for lunch and dinner, flexible computer rooms, a reprography area, two PRM rooms and an outdoor terrace. Accommodation solutions for groups, individuals, companies and schools in the Jura!
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