Cabane des Rochers à Saint-Fiacre-sur-Maine

35 RUE DE LA COMBE 44690 Saint-Fiacre-sur-Maine
35 RUE DE LA COMBE 44690 Saint-Fiacre-sur-Maine
We have decided to set up cabins in atypical places in the Vignoble Nantais. Our idea with RandoCabane is to allow you to find refuge in our nature during your walks and hikes.
This hut is located on a wine estate, near the Vignoble à Vélo loops and several hiking trails. Also 10km from the Loire à Vélo and 15km from Clisson, a place not to be missed in the Nantes vineyards.
Visit of the winery and the cellar, commented tastings, meeting with the winemaker.
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