Ecocentre Trégor

Route du Radôme 22560 Pleumeur-Bodou
Route du Radôme 22560 Pleumeur-Bodou
Ecocentre Tregor - Spered All
An atypical and ethical leisure and discovery park, in Pleumeur-Bodou, near the pink granite coast and the Râdome park.
Come and play, relax, awaken your senses and your curiosity!
In a preserved natural setting, discover educational spaces combining games, relaxation and poetry
Four thematic areas:
> The Harmony Garden: an educational and unusual garden inspired by permaculture.
> The Energy Path: incredible machines to understand our energy consumption, renewable energies and the energy transition.
> The Nature Trail: a walk in the woods, where imagination and poetry take you on a game of hide and seek with the spirits of nature.
> The Sensory Trail: a barefoot trail to play with your senses
We offer a varied programme of workshops and activities for individuals and groups.
But also, many wooden games, a shop of local craftsmen (ceramics, leather, beer, seeds, plans, vegetables...)
In July/August, eat on the terrace of our organic and vegetarian restaurant. During a gourmet break, discover a cuisine with the colours and flavours of the garden.
The Ecocentre also offers various courses and workshops! A gateway to the reappropriation of know-how in various fields: ecological gardening, eco-construction, cooking and well-being.
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