Boutique de l'Office de Tourisme de Charleville-Mézières

24, Place Ducale 08000 Charleville-Mézières
24, Place Ducale 08000 Charleville-Mézières
In the heart of the Tourist Office reception desk at Place Ducale in Charleville-Mézières, come and take advantage of the local know-how: ciders and local beers, fruit juices, saffron specialities, blue stones, or even 100% Ardennes terrines... This is also an opportunity to discover the craftsmanship of our region's creators, and to marvel at the capital of puppet arts through a selection of sheaths, string or finger puppets... Heritage lovers? Travel through history and gastronomy thanks to the selection of works proposed to you. Are you more of a hiker? Enjoy a stroll thanks to our IGN topoguides and maps! Keychains, magnets and more, the shop also offers a wide range of souvenir products.
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