About sixty kilometres south of Bordeaux, near Bazas, Cazeneuve château is particularly known for being the residence of the Kings of Navarre. Overlooking the Ciron Valley, Cazeneuve is a beautiful example of a medieval castle, surrounded by an impressive allure. Discover that the Albret Nobility lived there from the 13th century, followed by famous owners, with the most famous being Henry IV.
In the royal apartments, furnished with perfectly preserved furniture from the era, admire the marital bed which the “Vert Galant” shared with Queen Margot. If the interior is exciting and full of treasures which have survived the centuries, you can also stroll around the park among the towering pine trees and discover the Queen’s cave and the bamboo garden. And as you are in a wine region, don’t miss the great medieval cellar where some great Bordeaux vintages are ageing.
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