Sainte Assise Adventure

Château de Sainte Assise 77240 Seine-Port
Château de Sainte Assise 77240 Seine-Port
On the programme: zip lines, giant footbridges, beams, stirrups, surfing, climbing walls, Tarzan jumps... and the biggest zip line in Ile de France: 260 m, 30 seconds of descent at 60 km/h for guaranteed thrills!

For children, the three green courses are equipped with a continuous lifeline for total safety. The bravest of you can try the black adrenalin course, one of the most extreme in Ile de France. There's a snack bar and around twenty picnic tables on site. Parents who don't go tree climbing can use the park free of charge. You'll also find an inflatable structure, giant hammocks and a trampoline. You can also sign up for a game of laserball, with friends or family.
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