Centre International d'Art Contemporain

Place du Château 06510 Carros
Place du Château 06510 Carros
The Centre International d'Art Contemporain is the first and only major cultural institution in the visual arts sector to open its doors to the valleys of the upper Nice region. It sits atop the village of Carros, built on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Var plain, in a medieval castle that offers a 360-degree view of the landscape, from the shores of the Mediterranean to the Mercantour mountains.
The CIAC's mission, like that of the fifty or so other art centers operating in France, is to produce and distribute contemporary art in the field of visual arts, while encouraging experimentation. This translates into two annual temporary exhibitions, the publication of catalogs, the presentation of its permanent collection, the hosting of artists in residence, cultural mediation initiatives and an invitation to all to consult catalogs and archives in its documentation center.
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