Château de Malmaison

Avenue du Château de Malmaison 92500 Rueil-Malmaison
Avenue du Château de Malmaison 92500 Rueil-Malmaison
Built between 1800 and 1802 by architects Percier and Fontaine from an
old 17th century house, the Château de Malmaison, acquired in 1799 by
Josephine Bonaparte who was looking for a land around Paris, is a unique
example for its Consular style furniture. The Château de Malmaison was
occupied under the Consulate by the imperial couple.
From 1800 to 1802, with the Tuileries in Paris, it was thus the seat of the French government. It was the scene of many working meetings, official and private receptions, concerts, balls, lunches and field games.
Josephine had her famous rose-garden planted on the estate and she also had a Temple of Love built nearby. After her divorce in 1809, Josephine continued to live in this house, so steeped in her personality. On the first floor you can still see the room where she died on 29 May 1814.
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