Hôtel de Cordon - Centre for the interpretation of architecture and heritage

71 rue Saint Réal 73000 Chambéry
71 rue Saint Réal 73000 Chambéry
This local cultural facility seeks to educate and inform visitors about the development of the town and raise awareness of architecture and heritage. What makes a town, district or building valuable? Or, more generally speaking, what makes it unique and special?
The CIAP de Chambéry is a place of exchange at the frontier of everything that defines the town, from its past to the future.

The Hôtel de Cordon is a lively space, with many activities going on:
- starting point for guided tours of the old centre
- educational activity and conference room
- specialist architecture and heritage library (by appointment only) and office of the town's lead architect for protected zones
- permanent exhibition about the town and its heritage: heritage conservation, the housing in Chambéry, the development of the town, and more.
- temporary exhibitions
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