Jardins du château du Lude

BP35 Château du Lude 72800 Le Lude
BP35 Château du Lude 72800 Le Lude
Le Lude is one of the last important historical castles in France, still inhabited by the same family for the last 260 years.
The château is testimony of four centuries of French architecture. A stronghold transformed into an elegant house during the Renaissance and the 18th century.
Both adults and children alike will be enchanted by its refined interiors, but also by the gardens, the stables and the dungeon. A visit full of surprises!
The monument is located in the charming valley of le Loir. Its gardens have evolved throughout the centuries. It is a harmonious combination of French design and an English style landscape, with a rose garden, topiaries, a labyrinth and a botanical walk.
Try not to miss the garden festival on the first week-end of June!
The lower gardens running along the riverbank were originally a vegetable garden, which was transformed into French style gardens by renowned landscaper Edouard André, in the 19th century.

Adults: 6.00€
Child: 3.00€
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