La Nef des Jouets

12 rue Jean-Jaurès 68360 Soultz-Haut-Rhin
12 rue Jean-Jaurès 68360 Soultz-Haut-Rhin
An exceptional setting, the three floors of the former Commanderie de l'Ordre de Malte (1100 m2), for a rich and varied toy collection.

Begun in 1992, the restoration of the building, whose foundations date back to the 13th century, made it possible to present Richard and Joëlle Hauesser's collection of toys (trains, cars, soldiers, dolls, bears and puppets) from 1994 onwards.
Since then, the museum has enjoyed a steady stream of temporary exhibitions (around 3 a year) in the chapel, and continues to be enriched by the purchase, donation or loan of new toys. Children can also exercise their imagination and dexterity in the play areas on the ground floor and 3rd floor.
A 50-person auditorium and a 24-seat video area.

As part of the Soultz Christmas market, the museum will be open free of charge on December 2, 3, 9 and 10!
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