Maison du Parc naturel régional des Marais du Cotentin et du Bessin

3 village Ponts d'Ouve 50500 Carentan-les-Marais
3 village Ponts d'Ouve 50500 Carentan-les-Marais
On nearly 500 m² of land, the Maison du Parc is the ideal place to organise your exploration of the Regional nature park. New theme areas to discover the Parc in a fun way, using all the senses (dramatisation, film on the seasons, belvedere, shop, relaxation area…). Also discover the "Migrateurs" exhibition and take part in the activities laid on. Outdoors in around a hundred hectares (sensitive nature area), observatories have been set up on the edge of a lake. Alone or with a nature guide, go out and see the birds in their natural environment.
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