Maison Nature & Patrimoines

2 place de l'église 04120 Castellane
2 place de l'église 04120 Castellane
Located in the center of the village of Castellane, the Maison Nature & Patrimoines consists of two main exhibitions: in 2024, the Maison Nature & Patrimoines welcomes a new exhibition on popular beliefs. Linked to Catholicism or situated on its bangs, they are an integral part of everyday life. From pilgrimages and local saints to magic, superstition and witchcraft, discover the rituals that are rooted in the region. e.

The museum's permanent exhibition "Sirens and Fossils" evokes the period when manatees and dugongs inhabited the sea that covered the region. Exceptional fossils, the only ones of their kind in the world, can be discovered on site at the Col des Lèques.
On the first level of the building you'll find the Relais du Parc naturel régional du Verdon with information on the area and hiking, our free-access bookshop-boutique, and a temporary exhibition area. More information on our website!
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