Musée des Ursulines

5, rue de la Préfecture 71000 Mâcon
5, rue de la Préfecture 71000 Mâcon
Housed in the former Ursuline convent, the museum's diverse collections provide a panorama of the history of art from Antiquity to the 20th century. The archaeology of the region, from the Celts to the Middle Ages, will be the focus of a revamped exhibition in 2022. Local history is highlighted by new areas opening to visitors in 2019, dedicated to the literary and political work of Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869), who was born in Mâcon, and to 19th-century regional landscape artists. The fine arts section brings together masterpieces from the history of Western art from the 16th century to the present day: genre scenes and landscapes from the northern schools of the 17th century, French portraits and mythological figures from the 17th and 18th centuries, Symbolist landscapes and works from the 19th century, post-Cubist art and the abstract-geometric movement of the 20th century.
Cultural activities by prior arrangement.
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