Musée du Vélo

Chemin des Vernays 71500 Saint-Usuge
Chemin des Vernays 71500 Saint-Usuge
In the heart of the village of Saint-Usuge in the Bresse region of Burgundy, 5 minutes from Louhans, the town with 157 arcades, take the time to stop at the Musée du Vélo for a free visit by the owner himself: Jean-Pierre Jouvenceau, a bike enthusiast. A man who is passionate about bicycles and who will tell you all about them: Jean-Pierre is inexhaustible, a devouring passion for the bicycle and the Tour de France that he will be able to transmit to you through anecdotes, memories as well as through a collection of bicycles, champions' jerseys and portraits present in the Museum! A museum that is suitable for both adults and children. This museum is really worth a visit, whether you are a cycling enthusiast or just curious!

The Musée du Vélo is dedicated to the legend of the Tour de France, a mythical and unique event, with its joys, its dramas and its exploits. A collection compiled by its owner Jean-Pierre, a former amateur racer, passionate about the Tour. The thematic exhibition consists of a collection of bicycles, period equipment, photos, champions' jerseys, but also video documentaries and archive images.
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