Musée Raymond Devos

10 rue de Paris 78470 Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse
10 rue de Paris 78470 Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse
As Raymond Devos wished, the house in which he lived for over 40 years in Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse has opened its doors to let the public discover his own world.
The museum extends over 3 floors and allows visitors to (re)discover the comedian through numerous personal effects and artefacts including 17 musical instruments that he knew how to play and used on stage. Visitors can also (re)discover some of his most iconic sketches!

After three years of work to transform the building into a museum, visitors can now explore a number of areas that have been recreated exactly as they were in that time, including the artist's office, and can even take a look at his notebooks.

As in a theatre, the colours chosen for the House-Museum are red, white and black. At the entrance, visitors will discover Raymond Devos' two Molières prices, as well as his only school diploma: his primary school certificate.

In the living room, the visitor will discover a large library with his favourite authors and a number of objects, including a Meccano and a Rodin's ‘The Thinker’, which he used to take with him on tour.

A little further on, visitors enter his reconstructed dressing room.
But Raymond Devos' lair is on the top floor, in the attic. It was in this room that he liked to work, and it has retained its ‘bazaar’ feel: stacks of books, cassettes, paintings, electric trains and other children's toys, a large piano, a Morris column... It's as if you're entering the bedroom of a grown-up child, which he managed to remain.
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