Ornithological park of Pont de Gau

RD 570 13460 Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
RD 570 13460 Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
The park combines the enjoyment of walking with the discovery of most Camargue birds or transiting species. It manages its natural areas for environment conservation, nature protection and improvement of public awareness. Since 1974, it operates a wildlife clinic. Information panels, identification cards, migration cards and more bring everyone, beginners or experts, very clear information on bird life, the hosts of the Camargue. Over one hectare, large aviaries are the species the most difficult to observe in the wild, each in its biotope faithfully recreated. Several miles of trails between marshlands and reeds let visitors approach the birds and hold any surprises for the attentive observer. In the Gines marshland, in which a herd of bulls graze in summer, an observatory allows you to see without being seen, thus respecting the privacy of fauna. The park's surface area is 60 hectares.
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