1 rue Robert schuman 57200 Bliesbruck
1 rue Robert schuman 57200 Bliesbruck
In the Blies Valley, on the French-German border, the Bliesbruck-Reinheim European Archaeological Park presents the results of over 40 years of excavations, focusing on the Celtic and Gallo-Roman periods.

Immerse yourself in the past with a visit to the reconstructed tomb of the Princess of Reinheim, one of the richest Celtic burials in Europe.

Visit the Gallo-Roman thermal baths to understand the ritual of bathing. Opposite the baths, on the forum, was the heart of the small ancient town with its two artisan and commercial districts. Nearby, a huge villa, with agricultural production buildings and the master's residence, supplied the town.

Discover the tools and creations of Roman craftsmen, exotic imported products, the interior of the Roman home, buried treasures, toiletries and ornaments, farming tools and monumental decorations.
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