Requien Museum – Natural History Museum

67 rue Joseph Vernet 84000 Avignon
67 rue Joseph Vernet 84000 Avignon
The Museum was named after his creator, Esprit Requien (1788-1851), who in 1840 left to the Calvet Museum his collections and his library. Since Esprit Requien was young, he dedicated his life to the botany and later on to the malacology and paleontology.
Since 1943, the Museum was settled down in the Raphaelis de Soissans Hotel (XVIIth century) which is close to the Calvet Museum. With more than 900.000 specimens, it is one of the most important museums in Provence. Exhibitions are regularly held. The Museum houses an important library only accessible for research scientists.

Free entrance of about 1 hour.
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