Sire, Marly ! Vous êtes l’invité du musée du Domaine royal de Marly

1 Grille royale - Parc de Marly 78160 Marly-le-Roi
1 Grille royale - Parc de Marly 78160 Marly-le-Roi
The Musée du Domaine royal de Marly invites the public to discover the intimate residence of Louis XIV. It immerses the visitor in the hushed atmosphere of this unique home where only a few elected officials had the privilege of being received. The museum of the Royal Estate of Marly reveals the history of this chateau with atypical architecture, 12 pavilions framing a 13th ... that of the king of course! The works reveal the symbolism of the buildings, the layout of the gardens with regard to the remains visible in the park. This hunting residence was also a "water palace": the fountains in the garden were powered by Marly's machine, then considered to be the "8th wonder of the world". The route reveals the secrets of how this machine, a gigantic wooden mechanism, worked, pumping water from the Seine and transporting it almost two kilometers further to supply water to the gardens of Marly and then Versailles.
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