Une Mémoire du lieu, "La Saline après la Saline" - de 1895 à nos jours

The Royal Saltworks is remembered as the masterpiece of an architect and the history of a salt factory, but little is known about its fate after its closure in 1895. The exhibition "A Memory of Place" retraces this period, punctuated by a series of unfinished projects, a threat of disappearance, a transformation into a place of confinement and new dark hours before a revival in the 1960s. A long restoration was consecrated by its inscription on the UNESO World Heritage List in 1982.

Discover the exhibition "A Memory of Place" rethought around the question of time. Through 10 interactive devices created with the master watchmaker Philippe Lebru and Utinam, discover the history of the Royal Saltworks after the manufacture.
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