Vendée Vitrail

Place de l'église 85290 Mortagne-sur-Sèvre
Place de l'église 85290 Mortagne-sur-Sèvre
This church underwent an extraordinary conversion between 2017 and 2018 to accommodate this cultural project!
There are themed areas devoted to the art of stained glass, from conception to completion.

Attend a regular projection combining light effects and sound immersion: Louis Mazetier's stained glass window (10 metres high and weighing 4 tonnes), the masterpiece of the site; originally designed to be installed in one of the high bays of the nave of Notre-Dame de Paris. It was only installed in the cathedral for a few months, crated, stored and then "forgotten" in the galleries of Notre-Dame to escape the Second World War.

Free admission - free participation.

Group visits subject to prior booking outside opening hours. Further information by telephone.

Accessible to people with reduced mobility.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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