2 rue de la Basilique 88630 Domrémy-la-Pucelle
2 rue de la Basilique 88630 Domrémy-la-Pucelle
The interpretation center offers an extensive tour, which is structured around 4 complementary themes. These themes allow us to sketch the most complete portrait of Jeanne possible, by tackling her many facets, from her childhood in Domrem to her contemporary reappropriations.

Combining pedagogy and pleasure of discovery, this cultural mediation space includes many multimedia tools:
- Interactive or 2D maps and animations presenting the kingdom of France, the border zone of Domremy, the 100 years war and the ride of Joan of Arc;
- Listening terminals, where you will discover excerpts from France Culture podcasts;
- An animated puppet film "The Legend of Joan of Arc" (45 minutes).

Joan of Arc and children: a complete and fun offer for children
- A tour specially designed for them;
- A booklet-game to play with and follow in Joan's footsteps, from her house to the interpretation center.
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